I’m Dr. Rosemarie Peña
BGHRA President
Rosemarie Peña, PhD is the founder and president of the Black German Heritage and Research Association (BGHRA) In this role, she has co-produced and hosted four international academic conferences since 2011. A fifth conference planned for April 2020 was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rosemarie earned bachelors degrees in psychology and German, her MA and PhD in Childhood Studies at Rutgers University in Camden, NJ. Her research explores the historical and contemporary intersections of transnational adoption and child migration. Her dissertation, The Rekinning: Portraying Postwar Black German Transnational Adoption, is a discourse analysis of two historical documentary films.
Rosemarie has presented at numerous conferences and as an invited keynote internationally. She is a contributing author in several edited volumes published in both German and English and her peer reviewed articles appear in The Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood, Genealogy Journal, and the Journal of Adoption and Culture. Her most recent essay, “Stories Matter: Contextualizing the Black German American Adoptee Experience(s)” is included in Marion Kraft’s edited volume Children of the Liberation: Transatlantic Experiences and Perspectives of Black Germans of the Post-War Generation in 2019.

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